Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Info...
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche
- Opening time: dal Lunedì al Venerdì 9.00/18.00 - Sabato 9.00/13.30
- Telephone: 06-4989424
- Fax: 4959302
- Email:
- Website:
- Price: gratuito
Copyright: Fonte Beni Culturali
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Offers and services for you
Our restaurant
LE SPIGHEThe Hotel has three large and bright dining rooms, Le Erbe, Il Giardino and Le Spighe where an international buffet breakfast is served in the morning.
The vast assortment of the breakfast buffet includes both sweet and savory products, organic foods and a selection of products for those who follow specific diets related to food intolerances and for those who love to eat healthily.
The restaurant is open for lunch and dinner, also to external visitors, and serves seafood and land cuisine to rediscover the best dishes of the Roman and national tradition.
All the proposals are prepared by our Chef Giuseppe Mulargia and presented in the à la carte menu and in the tasting menus.
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